Summer associate success- the basics
In the spirit of passing along some of the wisdom that I, and others, have gleaned over our summer associateships, here's a brief list of what you can and can't do, when looking for an offer at Biglaw.
Things you can do and still get an offer
Things you can do and still get an offer
- Make many, many sexually inappropriate comments in front of, and about, partners
- hook up with a lawyer's girlfriend
- hook up with a lawyer
- hook up with a paralegal, in the office, on your desk
- get so drunk that you have to get taken home
- access confidential personnel files "accidentally"
- Jump into the Hudson river in your underwear (last summer's all-star story)
- Start ranting about "the Jews", then, when asked to leave, tell the lawyer "I have a knife in my pocket, and a gun in my car, which will it be?" (Paul Hastings LA)
- Go down to New Orleans to help out Habitat for Humanity as a pro bono project, then get completely trashed, get arrested, and have your firm bail you out of jail. (Proskauer Rose [NY?])
dude, update your damn blog. you can't be that busy.
ok, man, i'm taking you off my links if you don't post something by next week.
not saying that b/c i think you'll care, just seeing if i can get you to post something again??? wtf happened to you?
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