Monday, April 03, 2006

Law Revue

Our school had its annual "law revue" musical this last week, once again reminding me how much I hate lawschool. (as if I had forgotten, it eats at me every waking moment). The sad attempts at modifying songs from the 80s to be about adverse possession brings into sharp relief the evil, all-encompassing nature of what we've involved ourself in. We knowingly chuckle along to jokes about Pennoyer and jurisdiction, while the guests in the audience look around in disbelief. Let's step back a moment. This is not funny. We are lame. Law school is sucking the personality right out of us.

I used to wonder why anyone would ever bring a non-law student to one of these things. Now, I think it should be mandatory before applying to law school. Every eager undergrad, before taking the LSAT, should be forced to come to one of these and look around. Kids, do you want this to be the rest of your life? I didn't think so.


Blogger sadielady said...

Just wait until you're out of law school, and you're thinking that you're finally away from all of those people, only to realize that you're single and a practicing lawyer and you have no life outside of the law firm, and the only options for sex you have are your fellow lawyers.... shudder.

11:11 PM  
Blogger M said...

Thanks for removing any naive hope I had for my future Sadie. I will now swallow broken glass.

12:01 AM  
Blogger sadielady said...

No problem. I'm always here to stomp on optimism.

12:23 AM  
Blogger The BLS said...

You know, I actually met a significant other at one of those law school functions. He wasn't a law student. He just tagged along with some mutual friends of outs...

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as a spouse to an upcoming 3L....i have been to a few of these things, and just a few law-school pal gatherings at peoples apartments...

i'm a wife is law as i try to look interested in things that are remotely not funny, and i know funny, it becomes clear to me when people find out what i do for a living...that they have no idea how to comprehend it....

my wife has completely lost her ability to be take herself with a grain of salt...and to not let grades, class rank, and what all her other friends are doing get to her...

gee...thanks law school.

4:34 PM  

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