Law student new years resolutions
To be adopted by all, no exceptions, alterations, extensions, or objections allowed.
- I will remember that my fellow law students are human beings and treat them as such.
- I will not base my self-worth on my school's US News ranking or my firm's Vault ranking.
- I will recognize that the law is powerful and that I can aid those who are powerless, and will do so.
- I will make as much money as I can while doing something I enjoy.
- I will share outlines and notes freely and without prejudice.
- I will act ethically at all times.
- I will cultivate at least one interest or hobby outside of law school.
- I will party, travel, and relax as hard as I can and as often as I can, as this may be my last real chance to do so.
- I will not forget the big picture.
- I will remind myself daily that as bad as this might be, I am privileged to be here.