Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Happy birthday to me!

Remember that part in Old School where Will Ferrel's separated wife tells him he forgot his birthday? And you just feel so sorry for the poor guy? Well, call me Frank the Tank, cause I forgot my blog's 1 year anniversary last week. So, as a belated celebration, I'll be drunk for the rest of the day. For your enjoyment, loyal reader, as you cannot be a part of the whirlwind of women, debauchery, and police chases, here are some of the better posts from the past year.

The least worst of YALB:

1 year ago today! Homecoming
Feb 2: Top 5 Things I wish I'd known before coming to law school
Feb 8: Sexual Injection
March 5: You know you love law and order too much when...
April 7: Supreme Stars part 1
April 9: Supreme Stars part 2
June 22: Honesty is not the best...
Aug 10: Sacrifice Fly
Sep 20: Summer Associate Success: the basics
Nov 27: Real advice for 1Ls
Dec 31: Law student new years resolutions

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Stop giving me more money!

Ok, the law firm raises are starting to get a little crazy. Simpson Thatcher announced yesterday it's boosting the first year salary to 160k. Other firms are expected to follow suit.
So I should be happy right? Wrong! You know that partners aren't going to give up any of that sweet equity cash, so they're going to have increase revenue somewhere. And for some reason I have a feeling that when it comes down to increasing rates for clients, or working those first year slaves an extra few hours a week, it's not going to be a difficult choice. I have another feeling that bonuses might not be as big next year anyway, but maybe that's just the rational me.
I'm already going to be sacrificing most of my few remaining healthy years, don't take away even more! I really don't care about an extra (at most) 15k at this point, I'm already going to be vastly overpaid, give me a couple evenings with friends for God's sake.

Ok, phew, breathe. I'm complaining about a raise. I'm done. Thanks for listening. I hate me too.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

To attend or not to attend

I'm trying to plan out my semester, and I could use some input. Now that we're entering the second week of classes, and I've attended one class each so I could get on the seating chart, I'm trying to decide if sporadic attendance or none at all is preferable. What do you think?

Sporadic attendance (1 in 4 classes)
-guards against the possibility that professor will notice you're never there
-but then also might do the opposite, because professor might notice you, then notice when you're gone most of the time
-also opens up to the risk of getting called on, in which case you have to admit you haven't read, and now you kinda have to go for a while because you'll be in the professor's mind

No attendance
-could get screwed and dropped from the class. I would no longer graduate, and would sacrifice my entire future.
-but don't have to go to class
