Law Humor
I wonder why it is that people in the legal field always do this. (I'm assuming actual lawyers also do this as well, but hopefully I'm wrong). Is is that we're so caught up in this fascinating subject? Or is that we've been swallowed whole and socialized to act as "lawyers", and therefore my minimum contacts joke is hilarious? Or is it just the inner nerds coming out, and now it's socially acceptable to make wry academic observations?
I've got to go with door #2. As much as I hate hanging out with other law students, the further along I go, the more I lose my ability to talk about anything else it seems. The hot topic of discussion yesterday was how to correctly pronounce "amicus". Prelawschool me would have punched lawschool me in the face. Now? I fight passionately for a-mee-cus.
I really need that punch in the face.